The Top Martial Arts Movie Villains

The Book The Film The T-Shirt presented this piece to coincide with the release of my book, Life of Action!

In any story of good vs evil, a hero needs a strong, worthy villain to overcome. The best villains will always appear as good as (if not better than) the unlikely protagonist and only through sheer perseverance and battling the odds will our hero ultimately emerge triumphant. Throughout the decades, the martial arts genre has seen many villains transcend status as generic “bad guys” and become fan favourites and cult figures.

To celebrate the release of Life of Action, a new book packed full of insightful interviews with actors, filmmakers and stunt people from the immense world of action and martial arts movies, we pay homage to the best of the bad bunch...

There are far too many to name, but who made the cut? And who is your favourite? Read the full article here